For those who haven’t heard the news, ANDAZ moved from the Fez Ballroom after seven and a half years, and is now at Rotture on the East Side. We will be celebrating our eight-year anniversary on Saturday, July 17th, 2010. At the Fez we celebrated our anniversaries in November, since that was the month that we moved Andaz to the Fez, but actually the party started in July 2002 at Lola’s Room, so now that we are no longer at the Fez, it doesn’t make sense to use the November dating system. Now our ANDAZ anniversaries will be in July, the month we first threw our dedicated desi party.
Because Rotture already has a full schedule of monthly parties, the regular timing of ANDAZ is going to change. Starting in August 2010 the party will be held on the FIRST Saturday of every month. Flip-flop your party planning, because we don’t want you to miss out on any of the fun.
Thanks for eight years of support, Portland!