The Sparks Brothers film screening w/ Anjali Sunday, February 4th

Sparks Brothers Dance Party w/ Pre-Show DJ Anjali Set & Mustaches
Dates with showtimes for UNORTHODOX // Sparks Brothers Dance Party w/ Pre-Show DJ Anjali Set & Mustaches

Doors & DJ set at 5:30PM, Film at 6PM Tickets are $15. 

From the director that brought you Scott Pilgrim vs. The WorldBaby Driver and Shaun of the Dead comes a fantastic doc exploring how one rock band can be successful, underrated, hugely influential and criminally overlooked — all at the same time.

And did someone say dance party?! DJ Anjali will be spinning Sparks tunes – a band that’s been in heavy rotation for her since her early DJ days. BYO-Mustache or grab a stick-on one at the door!

The Sparks Brothers
2021. Directed by Edgar Wright. Runtime: 135 minutes.
The Sparks Brothers may be far from a household name, but I guarantee that your favorite band has heard of them. Their group, Sparks, cast a long legacy on electronic and dance music despite never reaching the mainstream. Celebrate the boisterous brother duo Ron and Russell Mael’s musical odyssey spanning five weird and wonderful decades.